Out with the (M)old, In with the New

Raise your hand if you've ever had a moldy shower liner. Okay, okay, not all at once!

I'm assuming that we've all run into this problem at one time or another. Thane and I definitely have. As a matter of fact, we run into it at least once every six months. So, at least once every six months I'm standing in Walmart staring at shower liners and debating between the $2 plastic one that's destined for the trash and the $15 washable one that will last "forever".

Well, the $2 variety has been the winning choice for far too long. I finally got the gumption to upgrade. And for $12, this one should pay for itself in, oh, 6 years. I know, it doesn't sound all that worthwhile when you look at it like that. But at least it'll be one less household item that gets routinely thrown away, and assuming it washes well (only time will tell) it'll be worth the cash in the long run.

It's 100% polyester, which is non-absorbent and won't "hold" water; hence the "water repellent" promise on the packaging. I'd love to wow you with more fascinating facts on textiles (courtesy of my Textiles for Fashion college course), but I'll assume I'm the only one that finds that stuff interesting and just leave it at that. Although it's obvious that the $2 plastic liners are technically "water repellant" too. If only they could go into the washer! Maybe it's worth mentioning that I've unsuccessfully tried de-molding one with 409 and a scrub brush.

So, I'm betting on this polyester curtain. As a matter of fact, since she's a new and hopefully permanent member of the household, we'll call her Polly. She'll no doubt have many adventures to share as time "tells" how she works.

And just for fun, here are a couple of photos of our very rough and yet to be finished master bath at the ranch house;

The shower stall is directly across from the tub, you can see it peaking out a tad on the right side of the photo. And here's our little toilet closet in drastic need of cleaning and door-ing. As is the entire bathroom.

While I'm thinking about it, here's a quick to-do list that we hope to put a good dent in over the next couple of weeks (that's right, we're going!);

Ranch House Master Bath To-Do List

-Install sink tops
-Install sink faucets
-Hang mirrors over each sink
-Install towel rods and rings
-Finish tiling the shower
-Install shower door
-Stain leftover maple trim (from the stairing project) to line the tub
-Install toilet closet door, linen closet door, and main bathroom door
-Deep clean

So watch for updates over the next few weeks. After months of ranch house stagnancy, progress is about to happen! Praise God for the opportunity to make the trip out, as well as the financial stability to continue working towards a finished home! As always, we hope and pray that it will be used for His glory and Kingdom, that Jesus would be honored in all we do.
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P.S. Back to reusable household items- see reusable swiffer wipes here, reusable diapers here, and reusable grocery bags here.
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