Breaking the Baby News to Hubby

I wanted this exciting time to be really special and memorable, so here's what I did; I made personalized clue cards and set up a scavenger hunt. I set out champagne glasses and sparkling cider (our favorite!), along with the first clue card of the hunt. Once he finished the hunt and found the news, we celebrated with the cider.

Clue Card 1: "I may be really small...and attached to a wall."
Just like an embryo, get it?
This card led him to the second card, that was literally "taped to a wall"....

Clue Card 2: "I may be knit with to the sofa's arm."
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13
This card led to the third clue, hidden in my knitting basket next to our couch.

Clue Card 3: "I may be cute and sweet...where can you find a treat?"
Just like a little baby!
This card led to the fridge, where there was a piece of chocolate candy with another clue attached to it.

Clue Card 4: "I may be a gift...give the blue pillow lift!"
The news was certainly a gift!
This led to the last card and gift, hidden under the blue sofa pillow on our zebra chair.

Card 5: "Today I'm just a line...but you'll see more of me in time! You found me Daddy!"
Now all we can see is a line on a stick, but before too long we'll have a real, live baby!


This was so fun and easy, and we'll never forget it :)


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